Flint Fresh Mobile Market a healthy food oasis on wheels

Flint Fresh Mobile Market a healthy food oasis on wheels

By Megan Ockert In the face of local food deserts, lead contamination and chronic disease in the community, Amber Hasan and her Flint Fresh Mobile Market are trying to provide an oasis on wheels. Supported in partnership with the Flint Farmers’ Market, the Local Grocer and Flint Food Works, Hasan and her assistant manager Bobby Blake have taken to the streets in a delivery van loaded with fresh locally grown food and other healthful...

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Commentary:  What’s the new normal for 2016 and 2017?

Commentary: What’s the new normal for 2016 and 2017?

By Paul Rozycki Looking back on 2016, it is strange how quickly the abnormal became normal. One of the most worrisome aspects of the Flint Water Crisis is how normal certain things have become. I’ve gotten used to having the house littered with water bottles and having cases of water piled all over the kitchen. I’m used to changing filters every week or so. I’m used to picking up a carload of water every few weeks. I’m used to...

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Commentary:  Post-mortem on the 2016 election poses a “Top Ten” list of questions

Commentary: Post-mortem on the 2016 election poses a “Top Ten” list of questions

By Paul Rozycki We all thought it would be over after Nov. 8. Almost everyone expected Hillary to win by a close, but decent margin. She had a half dozen ways she could win the Electoral College. Trump barely had one. Yet after the shock and dismay of this unprecedented and vicious campaign, we are still reeling from the results. It may take years to assess the full impact and implications of the 2016 campaign, but there are at least...

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Flint Mayor Weaver on EM indictments:  “Take away the voice of democracy, you see what happens”

Flint Mayor Weaver on EM indictments: “Take away the voice of democracy, you see what happens”

Flint Mayor Karen Weaver said there is another indictment in today’s charges filed by the Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette of the last two state-appointed emergency managers in the embattled city:  an indictment against the whole emergency manager system. “I’m so happy about what is happening right now,”  Weaver said into a scrum of microphones after the press conference at which Darnell Earley and Jerry...

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