Crossover food giveaways on Mondays in May among recipients of Urgent Relief Fund

Crossover food giveaways on Mondays in May among recipients of Urgent Relief Fund

A food giveaway funded by the Community Foundation of Greater Flint  is being offered from 11 a.m. until the food runs out Mondays through the end of May at the former Gordon Anthony flower shop at the corner of  Grand Traverse Boulevard and W. Court Street. The effort, sponsored by Crossover Downtown Ministries, is supported by a group of community organizations coming together to help. Craig Leavitt, executive director of Crossover,...

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Commentary: Maybe music helped Flint in 1918 — and arts and culture can do it for us now

Commentary: Maybe music helped Flint in 1918 — and arts and culture can do it for us now

By Rodney Lontine Arts and culture offer much-needed healing in difficult times The Community Music Association was founded by J. Dallas Dort during World War I in 1917. Both J. Dallas and his wife Nellie were accomplished musicians. He played the cello, and their Kearsley Street home in Flint was fitted with an Aeolian pipe organ he liked to play for guests. Though difficult to confirm, it’s likely the Dorts’ efforts to also maintain...

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From porches and dining rooms, local musicians are playing the pandemic blues

From porches and dining rooms, local musicians are playing the pandemic blues

By Tom Travis As the coronavirus pandemic ensues it seems to be unifying the human race. There isn’t a person on the face of the earth that can’t somehow relate to it.  We drive by empty schools in the middle of the day, empty parking lots at movie theaters and shopping centers. Once busy city streets are now sans the sounds of buses braking and horns honking. However, if you take a walk down East Court Street, stroll past...

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Local nursery owner coping with restrictions tells gardeners: keep tilling the soil for that “Covid-19 Victory Garden”

Local nursery owner coping with restrictions tells gardeners: keep tilling the soil for that “Covid-19 Victory Garden”

By Darlene C. Carey Amid the Covid-19 fears, the protest echoes, and silent spring of 2020, there lie the roots of Michiganders’ voices. Deeply embedded is the tradition of doing and going. It is no wonder people are so entrenched in their convictions about what they can and cannot do, willing to risk so much, too much. Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer faced a national backlash for expanding restrictions which impacted small...

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City Council postpones secondary water source pipeline decision and reviews amended 2021 budget

City Council postpones secondary water source pipeline decision and reviews amended 2021 budget

By Tom Travis The Flint City Council voted to postpone to May 11 an important resolution to enter into a contract for a secondary water source pipeline and also voted to receive an amended 2021 Flint city budget from city administration. Both items resulted in long discussion among council members and city officials. The council meeting, conducted via YouTube telephonically because of the coronavirus, lasted nearly eight and half...

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