By EVM Staff
Since the late Councilman Quincy Murphy’s passing in September 2024, Flint’s Third Ward has been without representation on Flint City Council. While Murphy’s seat is meant to be filled through Council action, there has been no final vote on the matter despite charter mandates, and the City has decided to step in and take action.
In a Dec. 27, 2024 press release, the City stated:
Flint City Officials understand the importance of all residents being represented and having a voice. The third ward of Flint has been without a city council representative for nearly three months. According to the Flint City Charter, when a council seat becomes vacant, the City Council has a duty to appoint someone to that seat within 30 days.
“The council is in violation of the City Charter and now the matter is in court,” said Ed Taylor, City of Flint Chief of Staff and former Flint city councilman. “We have no idea when they will appoint someone. This is an unprecedented situation, and unprecedented situations require innovative ideas.”
City officials will select a Third Ward Ambassador to ensure the residents in that area have a representative they can contact until a third ward councilperson is appointed. The ambassador will communicate matters and concerns from residents to the appropriate city officials.
The release went on to note that residents interested in becoming the new “Third Ward Ambassador” should express their interest to Ed Taylor via email at through Jan. 10, 2025. Those emails, the release cited, will be reviewed “as received” and the ambassador will be named on Jan. 15.
“The City of Flint is committed to moving city business forward with the best interest of Flint residents in mind. Therefore, the administration is taking action to address this important issue,” the release concluded.