Is it time to unelect the electors?

Is it time to unelect the electors?

By Paul Rozycki In the United States we elect over 500,000 individuals to office. Every election year, the voters choose who will be their governors, senators, state representatives, mayors, city council members, judges, county commissioners, school board members, township clerks, drain commissioners, and perhaps an occasional dog-catcher here and there. And all of those individuals are chosen based on one cardinal rule. Whoever gets...

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Iconic Saginaw Street brick replacement underway; $5 million project to continue through 2024

Iconic Saginaw Street brick replacement underway; $5 million project to continue through 2024

By Elizabeth Ireland-Curtis The iconic bricks on Saginaw Street, along with the Weather Ball are part of Flint’s identity and history. The bricks on Saginaw are being replaced in a two-year project that began Monday, April 10. Mayor Sheldon Neeley presented plans for the historic restoration at a press conference that same day. A website,, can be accessed by residents for street closings and updates. City...

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Education Beat:  Turmoil at the top continues at Flint Community Schools

Education Beat: Turmoil at the top continues at Flint Community Schools

By Harold C. Ford Editor’s note – This article has been updated naming the former FCS employee who received the $61,000 retirement payout. The tumult that has plagued the leadership team(s) at Flint Community Schools (FCS) in recent years was fully on display in and around the April 12 Committee of the Whole (COW) meeting of the Flint Board of Education (FBOE). Michael Clack, board president, announced an investigation by...

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City council announces budget hearings for April and May; new CFO joins hearing

City council announces budget hearings for April and May; new CFO joins hearing

By Tom Travis The city council has announced a series of four hearings on the city’s 2023-2024 budget between April 12 and May 15. The hearings will allow city council and members of the public an opportunity to hear from department heads on their budgets and to ask questions. City Clerk Davina Donohue explained to the three council members present (Quincy Murphy (Ward 3), Judy Priestley (Ward 4) and Tonya Burns (Ward 6)) for...

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City Council Beat: “I’ve never seen it this bad” City’s sewer system supervisor on raw sewage back ups

City Council Beat: “I’ve never seen it this bad” City’s sewer system supervisor on raw sewage back ups

By Tom Travis Despite shouting, near physical fights, repeated racial slurs, and loss of quorum that have continued to characterize a dysfunctional Flint City Council, the elected body still managed to conduct some of the people’s business. Those actions included  acceptance of $21 million in grants — for an upgraded pump station, for St. John’s Street neighborhood, for Choice Neighborhoods assistance to the Genesee...

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