Education Beat Analysis: A tale of two board meetings, from “uncommon civility” to “familiar tensions” Part One

Education Beat Analysis: A tale of two board meetings, from “uncommon civility” to “familiar tensions” Part One

June 8: Amidst uncommon civility, board unanimously adopts Strategic Plan [Click here for Part Two, June 9: Civility erodes, familiar tensions resurface] By Harold C. Ford “Sometimes, for the sake of the children, we have to put aside our personal philosophies and beliefs and do what’s right for our children.” –Eddie Thomas: principal, Eisenhower Elementary; president, Congress of Flint School Administrators, Inc.; June 8, 2022...

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City Council tosses out months’ long investigative hearing on botched waste collection bid

City Council tosses out months’ long investigative hearing on botched waste collection bid

By Tom Travis A botched bid for the city’s waste collection contract in 2021, revealed in a June 2021 city council meeting, launched an investigative hearing that lasted nearly a year and over two different city councils. One year later, in Wednesday’s Finance Committee meeting, city council voted 5-2 “to end all legal services and investigative hearing.” How the council got to an investigative hearing In a...

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Review:  Fantastic adaptation of “The Fantasticks” celebrates a new perspective

Review: Fantastic adaptation of “The Fantasticks” celebrates a new perspective

By Patsy Isenberg and Tom Travis A festive conclusion of The Rep’s final presentation of the season, The Fantasticks, opened to an appreciative full house  Friday, June 3. The iconic musical is the longest-running production in the history of the American stage and one of the most frequently produced musicals in the world.  The Rep’s production, while respectful of that history, also offers something different.  A pre-show...

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Flint City Council passes $64 million “balanced” budget after Winfrey-Carter’s dramatic pause during rollcall vote

Flint City Council passes $64 million “balanced” budget after Winfrey-Carter’s dramatic pause during rollcall vote

By Tom Travis In a dramatic and unprecedented vote, the city council passed a $64 million budget in its Monday meeting. According to Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Robert Widigan, the budget allocates $64 million for the city’s expenditures  and is based on $50.7 million in revenue. Widigan explains the budget will be balanced with a transfer of $14 million from the general fund balance which stands at $22 million. The resolution...

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Review: Connor Coyne’s URBANTASM Book Four: THE SPRING STORM finishes the gripping allegory with a hammer blow

Review: Connor Coyne’s URBANTASM Book Four: THE SPRING STORM finishes the gripping allegory with a hammer blow

By Robert Thomas The publication of the fourth and final book of Flint author Connor Coyne’s serial novel, URBANTASM, marks the finale of his epic allegory set in the heart of the American Rust Belt in the fictional city of Akawe, Michigan, somewhere north of Detroit. As befits any gripping serial, The Spring Storm delivers a hammer blow with a rollicking readerly ride through a perfect storm of rusty decay and an abundance of evil. ...

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