Incumbents Galloway, Fields, and Griggs defeated; Flint City Council to have six new members

Incumbents Galloway, Fields, and Griggs defeated; Flint City Council to have six new members

By Paul Rozycki Flint voters turned out in low numbers but made some big changes as they elected their new city council, defeating three incumbents, and electing three new members in wards where incumbents were not running again. The turnout for Genesee County was just under 13 percent of the registered voters, but the turnout in Flint was even lower, with most wards showing a turnout below 10 percent. The new council will have six...

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Education Beat:  Flint School Board fiscal scrutiny of Williams legal services and  Lambert public relations firm intensifies

Education Beat: Flint School Board fiscal scrutiny of Williams legal services and Lambert public relations firm intensifies

By Harold C. Ford “It’s going to get ugly … I’m ready for the fight … This man here [former Flint school board attorney Kendall Williams] making a million dollars. Unbelievable.” –Joyce Ellis-McNeal, Oct. 13, 2021, Flint school board meeting Fees charged to Flint Community Schools (FCS) by The Williams Firm, for legal services, and Lambert & Co., for public relations work, came under intense scrutiny by the Flint Board of...

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Commission aims to give residents a voice – no more gerrymandering as voting districts are redrawn

Commission aims to give residents a voice – no more gerrymandering as voting districts are redrawn

By Tom Travis Residents stood up and spoke up Tuesday at a public hearing at The Dort Federal Event Center on Lapeer Road with their thoughts and comments about redistricting in Michigan. Standing at a podium, residents addressed the  new 13-member Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission (ICRC), who sat at tables on an elevated stage looking down on the speakers. Masks were required and social distancing was followed. Flint...

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Tendaji Talk: “The Deep Sting of Slavery”

Tendaji Talk: “The Deep Sting of Slavery”

By Harold C. Ford “It’s really not enough to say, ‘Those were horrible days and let them pass.’ Uncovering this buried history … could also help ease the kind of intergenerational trauma that silence can mask, trauma that can seep through entire communities.” –Margaret Burnham, Northeastern University professor, from “Healing Requires Truth” by Samantha Michaels, Nov-Dec 2021 issue of Mother Jones ‘Slavery has tentacles and they are...

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Education Beat: Flint School Board votes unanimously to talk with Mott Foundation CEO Ridgway White about abandoned Central-Whittier campus

Education Beat: Flint School Board votes unanimously to talk with Mott Foundation CEO Ridgway White about abandoned Central-Whittier campus

By Harold C. Ford On Wednesday,  Oct .20, near the end of another long meeting (four hours and 22 minutes), the Flint Board of Education (FBOE) voted 6-0 to invite C. S. Mott Foundation CEO Ridgway White to visit and talk about the future of the long-abandoned Flint Central High School-Whittier Middle School campus.   Votes supporting the motion, made by board treasurer Laura MacIntyre,  came from: Carol McIntosh;  MacIntyre,...

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Commentary: Secure MI Vote petition won’t secure your vote — or democracy 

Commentary: Secure MI Vote petition won’t secure your vote — or democracy 

By Paul Rozycki  A few years ago I was asked to give a presentation on the right to vote to a large number of prospective election workers at City Hall. As I looked out over the audience, I realized that almost none of those present could have voted when this nation began. The great majority of those in the council chambers that day, preparing to conduct our elections, were female and/or African-American. None could vote when this...

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