Sports Beat: Flint Central’s ‘Lightning’ Ervin Leavy Jr. finds rewarding career at UM-Flint
By Harold C. Ford Ervin Leavy Jr. was motivated to improve his basketball game after being bested again and again by his older brother at the playground behind Flint’s Gundry School on Flint’s north side. “He would beat up on me every day until I finally beat him when I was about 13-years-old,” Leavy Jr. recollected in a December 2024 interview with East Village Magazine (EVM). “That meant a lot to me,” said Leavy Jr. “That was the...
A conversation with Laurence Alexander, new chancellor of University of Michigan-Flint
By Jan Worth-Nelson In the conference room of his second floor suite in UM-Flint’s University Pavilion building, Laurence Alexander was ecstatic about Michigan’s weather. The new chancellor of the University of Michigan-Flint sat down with EVM on a brilliant August day of 72 degrees and low humidity – quite the contrast from his former city of Pine Bluff, Ark., which stood at 88 degrees that same afternoon. “Who could possibly...
Project 2025: A possible glimpse into a second Trump administration
By Paul Rozycki Want to know what a second Trump administration might look like? An overview of “Project 2025” might give you a good idea. The 900-page plan, fully titled “Mandate for Leadership, The Conservative Promise, Project 2025,” would dramatically change the federal government and shift it to the right. It was put together by nearly 200 Trump officials and supporters in conjunction with the right-leaning Heritage...
Guest Commentary: Thanks for the early Christmas gift – air pollutants and toxins
By Ted Zahrfeld Thank you for the early Christmas “gift,” Governor, Michigan “EGLE” Director, Genesee Township Zoning, and Ajax CEO, of allowing a polluting asphalt plant in our poorest Flint neighborhood. This “gift” will bring and keep on giving air pollutants, toxins, and odors to the surrounding low-income predominately Black community as it operates in years to come. Yes, Flint, there are indeed four Grinch Santa Clauses:...
Commentary: City Council election crucial to Flint’s future — Vote Nov. 2! Don’t put it off!
By Paul Rozycki Update: EVM has learned that Chris Del Morone is a write-in candidate in Ward 6. We have added his name below and apologize for this omission. Recently a scheduled forum hosted by write-in candidates Tanya Rison (1st Ward), and Lakeisha Tureaud (7th Ward), presented a worrisome portent for the Nov. 2 city council election. The meeting, where voters could have a chance to meet write-in candidates for the Flint City...
Education Beat Op-Ed: Put Flint kids first — say YES now to Flint Education Continuum
By Harold C. Ford ‘”Noli equi dentes inspicere donate.” (“Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth”) …Latin text of St. Jerome, The Letter to the Ephesians, circa AD 400 “Shame on you, Mr. Ford.” …Laura MacIntyre, treasurer, Flint Board of Education (FBOE), Apr. 21, 2021 I am a progressive. My 56-year resume of social justice activism is lengthy and legitimate. But here is where I part ways with some of Flint’s progressives, many of...
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