Village Life: New year, new resolutions
By Kate Stockrahm I’ve always had mixed feelings about new year’s resolutions. On the one hand, I feel foolish pretending the change of a calendar date will motivate me to do all the things I should (but don’t) do anyway, like drink more water or eat less red meat. But on the other hand, what’s so awful about setting goals? A quick Google search of “new year’s resolutions” brings up many of the things we promise ourselves we’ll start...
Village Life: A new perspective at the Mott-Warsh Gallery
By Canisha Bell Have you ever walked or driven past a place numerous times only to discover it’s actually an amazing venue that you should’ve paid a visit to a long time ago? For me that place, until recently, was the Mott-Warsh (MW) Gallery – despite my going by countless times with the fleeting thought of “I wonder what it’s like inside there.” Opening its doors in 2016, the gallery in a former Internal Revenue Office on the corner...
Village Life: Can there be a happy darkness?
By Jan Worth-Nelson Lately, I’ve been renegotiating with the dark. Darkness gets a bad rap, including in my own mind. Each year I dread the coming on of longer nights, culminating in the anachronistic switch from Daylight Savings Time. By then, it’s dark when I leave for work in the morning and dark when I get home. This long winter darkness is so claustrophobic for me, so depressing, that anticipating it is almost as bad as actually...
Village Life: Meeting SARAH
By Christina Collie SARAH and I met in 2020. She’s not so much a “who” but a “what,” and her name comes from a sci-fi tv show called “Eureka” that ran from 2006-2012. In the show, SARAH stands for “Self-Actuated Residential Automated Habitat,” a house-of-the-future outfitted with an AI consciousness that controls everything from food service to security communications. In my life, though, SARAH is the lovingly ironic name...
Village Life: A nutritious conversation
By Canisha Bell Sitting at our monthly writer’s meeting for the magazine — where we pitch story ideas and talk about life, politics, and everything in between — I felt settled. I hadn’t brought a story to pitch, as it’s not a requirement. There are always story ideas though, so if you come to our gathering without a story, most likely you’ll still leave with one. “I thought of you for this one,” my editor said, smiling at me. I...
Village Life: A feast of inspiration
By Kate Stockrahm There are certain things that can only happen in shared spaces of apartment complexes — some good, some less good. The less good things include a mess left behind when someone’s trash bag breaks in the stairwell, the smells of uncertain origin as you walk down the hallway to your unit, or when the elevator is out (again). But the good things have always outweighed the bad for me. In shared spaces, like the yard near...